Become a Sponsor
We’re proud to give each of our members many opportunities to capture new audiences and elevate their brand through sponsorship.
The Chamber offers members the opportunity to sponsor individual events in order to elevate their marketing efforts among The Chamber's key demographics. There's something for every business and every budget.
We hope you'll let us help make a name for your business while supporting the work of the Chamber and its members!

Leadership Reno-Sparks
Sponsor the Reno+Sparks Chamber's legacy community leadership program, and send someone from your organization through the course.

Member Connections
Sponsor the Reno+Sparks Chamber's ongoing networking events and programs: Coffee & Commerce, Business After Hours, and the quarterly Chamber Open House for prospective and existing members.

Chamber EDU
Power all of the Chamber's educational programs and workshops provided throughout the year, and offer your expertise by becoming part of the faculty.

Health & Wellness
Be an inaugural sponsor of the newly formed Nevada Obesity Collaborative, and help fund the annual employer health summit.

Green Business
Help underwrite and support our green business certification program and our green dining establishment program.

Member Development
Sponsor and receive a premium booth at our annual Chamber Job Fair and provide funding for our annual HR Bootcamp, a vital source of continuing education for HR professionals and small business leaders alike.

Civic Engagement
Sponsor and receive a premium booth at our annual Chamber Job Fair and provide funding for our annual HR Bootcamp, a vital source of continuing education for HR professionals and small business leaders alike.